Chula Vista Olympic Training Center: Day 2
(Originally posted on facebook)
Day two summary (Tuesday).
Today Coach Lee finished overviewing the mental and physical aspects that make up the National Training System (NTS) as well as explaining how biomechanics and sport science interface with NTS. I always encourage my students to ask “why” when I teach them a new movement and understanding the “why”/rationale and theory behind this unique system (NTS) is a large part of the course.
We also worked on understanding more of what it takes to be a World class coach developing World class athletes. To this end, Coach Lee shared some of the many experiences he has had from traveling around the world with his athletes; from building trusting relationships with his athletes; from mentoring; about character; about developing focus in athletes; about using the theory of optimal arousal and Flow to understand your athletes and put them in situations where they can succeed.
I love over talking with the other coaches about form and coaching. The iterative process is so helpful And we have a great cohort from all over the country.
In my personal training: I understood the concept of angular movement (vs linear movement) before the class and understood how they applied to NTS. However, with an increased understanding of set-up, draw and load now, I feel the angular movement far more than before. Zack Garrett and Brady Ellison were in the inddor range today to train while I was doing stretch band exercises. Ellison likes listening to country music while practicing….maybe I should try that?
My hook, anchor and release are still tremendously effected by the very limited range of motion that my radius and ulna have. It is frustrating and sad as these aspects of my form are so heinously flawed, due to the decreased range of motion, and make it impossible for me to achieve what in my mind are some of the most biomechanically beautiful parts of archery: hook, anchor and release. Sadly, these are CRITICAL aspects of form. Yes, compound archery is better suited for my body because of the difference in anchor, but Olympic recurve is where my heart is. I love the purity, the form, the history, and character that goes with that history. I would love to be able to FEEL those aspects of form. I can’t. And “I can’t” is not an athlete attitude that I espouse; but, as a person in a wheelchair can’t stand up, I am learning from my orthopedist friend that this is my equivalent. I can’t supinate my hands. So what. that can’t erode the love I have for the sport or for coaching it. I can defy the odds. I can.
Now, moving forward, I will focus on what I can do and let that which draws me back ALSO propel me forward. Archery teaches us that. One can also not aim forever, at some point one must let go. letting go will help me focus on those elements of form and coaching that I can do better. Positive imprinting is critical to progress. Resilience and tenacity in pursuit; thank you Kurt Hahn.
Our classroom is is in the Easton Archery Center of Excellence. I thought I would show you what I like about the space I am in during my studies here. The attached images are of the Easton Archery Center in the Chula Vista Olympic Training Center (OTC) campus. The AWESOME black and white photos that hang on the walls (Photo credit goes to Dean Alberga Photography) are one of my favorite features. One of the goals of the “interior decorating team” at the Easton Archery Center was for people to be able to see an archery target/representation of a target from wherever they stood in the facility. I also included a picture of the arrow that was shot to lite the Olympic torch at the Opening Ceremonies one year. Remember that?! It was soooo cool! Who doesn’t want to shoot a flaming arrow, right?!
I would love to write more but need to go study and get started on Day Three. Enjoy the pictures!
Coach Kyle