Sattva 450 League Format
The Sattva 450 League is a version of the popular Vegas Round. It utilizes the same World Archery 40cm Target Face shot at 18 meters. The scoring system remains the same, but the primary difference is how the round is broken out. The Indoor 450 Round comprises three games of 150 Points and is shot as 5 Ends of 3 Arrows.
Our Indoor 450 Round was set up in teams of 2-4 Archers to build camaraderie between members. The handicapping system would help normalize scores and account for varying skill levels and equipment classes. Teams would shoot a round-robin and accumulate points toward placement in a Final Shoot-Up.
For those archers that pretty competitive, they enjoy shooting with people who exceed their skill level because the competitive nature drives archers to focus and try harder. Not everyone feels this way, though. The idea of joining an Archery league can be intimidating, especially for beginners. To make Archery Leagues more approachable, we utilize handicapping.
Handicapping allows us to take people of different skill levels or shooting styles and bring the scores closer together. This eases some competitive strain and makes shooting as a team fun because everyone can win.
We did handicap based on Class. Below is a list of our Classes and the respective Handicap Percentage for each. The percentage represents the points added to the shooter’s Gross Score.
- UNL (Unlimited): 70%
- BHTR (Bowhunter): 80%
- OR (Olympic Recurve): 85%
- BB (Bare Bow): 90%
- TRAD (Traditional): 92%
- YTH (youth): 90%
- Cub (cub): 93%
- Pro: no handicapping: 0%
Calculating Scores
To Calculate Scores for the Sattva 450 League, we need to take the Gross Score (what the Archer shot) and add handicap points. This is done for each archer on the team to create a Team Score. We then take the team score and compare it against another team. A point is awarded for each game won and an additional two points for the overall score.
The Sattva 450 League was designed to be shot as a round-robin tournament. Teams face off head-to-head for a series of 10 weeks. The Schedule Tab shows which teams will be shooting against each other on a given week.
League Finals
For the Sattva 450 Round Finals, we followed a Shoot-Up style that allowed the last-place team to come from behind and move up the rankings. The Sattva Indoor 450 League Finals has been built with this in mind.
We are breaking the finals into two sessions to keep the First Place team from sitting all night waiting for their matchup. In the event of a tie, a Single Arrow Shoot-Off can occur.